Bryony Applegate
Ceramic Designer
Bryony Applegate completed her Foundation Diploma at Oaklands College in 2013, followed by a BA at Staffordshire University, graduating in 2016. She then worked in her own studio in Stoke-On-Trent for two years, before embarking on her MA at the Royal College of Art in London. During this time, she completed a one-month residency in Jingdezhen, China. Now resident at Grandey’s Place, Bryony specialises in high-end tableware and interior ceramic objects. She has won awards such as Potclays 2016, a QEST Scholarship 2019 and The Charlotte Fraser Prize 2020. Recent exhibitions include Ceramic Art London, New Designers, Top Drawer, Handmade in Britain, Designersblock and The Independent Hotel Show.
My practice revolves around designing and making functional ceramic objects. There is a clear focus on form and function working in harmony. There is often a blurring of boundaries between sculpture and utility, which is a signature of my design style. Recently, I have focused on material-led thinking and innovative processes in order to create a collection of lighting for the home, as well as a collection of tableware aimed at Michelin star restaurants. The designs themselves are minimalist in style but elegant, utilising contrasting qualities such as colour, material and finish to create eye-catching objects for restaurants, hotels or the home. I work through experimenting with different techniques; evolving and developing my objects to create unusual combinations of texture, colour and pattern. I focus on precision and attention to detail in the work I produce; the processes I have developed lend themselves to this. My process begins with a conversation with the client/chef; leading to my understanding of their aesthetic, needs and ideas.
I thrive on collaboration and conversation. Bouncing ideas back and forth with customers and colleagues leads to the most rewarding outcomes.