Edward Griffiths
Bespoke Footwear
Edward Griffiths
Grandey's Place QEST Scholar
Grandey’s Place directly funds a number scholarships and awards in association with the Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust (QEST), providing an alternative opportunity to express our on-going commitment to preserving and nurturing our endangered heritage crafts.
PLEASE NOTE: Edward is not resident at Grandey’s Place.
Edward is a shoemaker based in Devon with a drive to make sustainable, waterproof outdoor boots to withstand the UK’s weather.
A former woodworker of 15 years, Edward’s shoemaking journey kicked off in 2021 after teaching himself how to work with leather in his spare time. He took up a role at local Devon company Green Shoes where he is currently working.
With the support of Grandey’s Place Edward will undertake training through his QEST Grandey’s Place Emerging Maker Grant to further his skills in pattern making, hand lasting and welting, last making, and tool sharpening. He will achieve this through training with three master Craftspeople: CarreDucker London Limited, Lastmaker House and Sean Hellman.
Edward’s goal is to grow his skill set in order to make his own collection of boots that are made sustainably using locally sourced, raw materials. He also aims to start a cobbling service for the local community in the southwest of England to reduce waste and replace worn parts.