Oscar Saurin
Silversmith and Restoration Specialist
Oscar Saurin
Grandey's Place QEST Scholar
Grandey’s Place directly funds a number scholarships and awards in association with the Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust (QEST), providing an alternative opportunity to express our on-going commitment to preserving and nurturing our endangered heritage crafts.
PLEASE NOTE: Oscar is not resident at Grandey’s Place.
Oscar is an experienced silversmith based in East London whose passion for silver ignited when he was 16 years old. After completing an apprenticeship with Fox Silver, Oscar went on to work for Grant Macdonald where he honed his craft. Oscar launched his own business in 2022 and continues to create bespoke commissions for individuals, charities and companies.
A QEST Grandey’s Place Scholarship is enabling Oscar to enhance his skills in silverware restoration and conservation through one-on-one training with master silversmith Ray Walton. Oscar is learning the skills to tackle complex restorations, including how to deconstruct silverware, patch hollowware, preserve and apply patination, handle thin silver pieces, make tools, work with lead repairs, and much more. The other element of Oscar’s training involves mentoring by Timothy Schroder, with in-person sessions and practical learning at the Goldsmiths Company collection in Goldsmiths Hall.
Oscar’s long-term aspirations include taking on apprentices or trainees to ensure his knowledge is passed on.
Instagram: @oscarsaurin